Sunday, October 31, 2010

Reality Bites

I've always been told that if you have a problem with someone to go to that person and talk with them. It seems as if the internet has made some people cowards - talking behind your back seems to happen frequently. I love when others jump on this bandwagon. I'm so tired of drama. For those who like to talk behind my back, here are some FACTS about me. I have 1 Facebook - no, you can't add me on Facebook. I have 1 Twitter account - DaleJrFan50. I have this blog. I don't have a WordPress (is that similar to a blog?) I don't have a MySpace. These 3 things are the only social media aspects that I participate in.
Want to know another harsh reality? No matter what you say about me, I'm still my harshest critic. Depression sucks. Been there, done that, still doing that. It is by far my biggest obstacle in life. Can you imagine going through life with such a negative view of yourself that you can't even name a handful of good things about yourself. Everyone tells me I have great characteristics, but I don't believe them. A counselor told me something like this once... "You are your own worst critic. I really do think that if we don't get a hold of your thoughts that it will be the end of you eventually." So whatever you think you can say about me that will get me down, it won't work. Trust me, I've already thought it.
People wonder why I refuse to let people get close to me... It's because those close to me have the greatest ability to hurt me. I've had enough letdowns in my life. This week at work, we had a discussion about some of our patients who are always in a bad mood or have negative things to say. You know what though, you CHOOSE happiness. You CHOOSE if you have a positive or negative influence on people. I have news for those who think that they will get me down. I'm only worried about impressing God. He's the only one that matters in the end anyway!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Leaving The Past Behind

I've never really been forced to evaluate myself like I have been doing lately. It has been quite interesting to say the least. One of the biggest things that I struggle with is leaving the past behind. For some unknown reason, I tend to want to keep my mistakes in my front pocket. Why would anyone want to get into this habit? LOL. I've been trying to kick that habit to the curb, but it is proving to be easier said than done. I'm going to try to start everyday as a new day - no more carrying over yesterday's mistakes (or last week's, last month's, or even last year's.)

On a positive note, I recently hit a mini-goal in my weight-loss journey! The first number in my weight has dropped! WOOHOO!!! I really do have quite an amazing group of Beachbody peeps that inspire me! :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Confession Time

It's time to be real. I need accountability! I'm on a journey. I've started this journey so many times, but have never gotten past the first hurdle. My journey is one of weight loss. I desperately need to do this today, not tomorrow, but today. I'm tired of always coming up with excuses as to why it didn't work for me. Here's a brief summary of my journey to today.

I've been overweight for as long as I remember. I definitely participated in yo-yo dieting, skipping meals, binge eating, etc... I was also an athlete who never really paid attention to my diet habits. When I got a chance to play college basketball, I managed to lose 40 lbs in 1 month!! Crazy! I did it through crazy exercising and cutting back way too many calories. I was still overweight, but was 40 lbs lighter. Making a long story short, when I couldn't play, I went through the rest of college and gained approximately 80 lbs throughout the 4 years it took to get a degree. Now, I'm here and am in desperate need to lose over 100 lbs.

Recently, I lost about 30 lbs through daily exercise with P90 and Turbo Jam. I also am addicted to Shakeology. I became a Beachbody coach to get the discount on Shakeology. Well, fast forward a few months, and I've gained 8 lbs back. I don't want to start this yo-yo thing anymore! I'm tired of losing weight only to gain it back.

Here's are my promises. I promise to do weigh-in Mondays on Twitter (DaleJrFan50) every Monday - regardless if I lost, gained, or stayed the same weight. I need that accountability. I also promise to be an accountability partner to anyone that asks. I won't be judgmental or degrading, but I will be motivating and encouraging. I am also going to start working out daily and keeping a food journal via the Weight Watchers website - these are very tough for me! I also will conquer my anxiety of taking a fitness class by going to one by Francee Haydel in the very near future!

Well, I really need to try and sleep for now. Anyone that wants to join in my journey is certainly welcome and would be greatly appreciated!!! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Huge Leap of Faith

I've decided to start a blog. This will be my personal journey through life - my weight loss journey, my ups and downs, and everything in between. This is my leap of faith. I want people to be able to get to know me a little bit better, since I tend not to open up too much to other people. I hope to inspire at least one person through this blog. We'll see how that goes though :) Let me know if you think this is a good idea!

Acts 20:24
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.